Friday, July 20, 2007

Gavins rough start

He spent 24 hrs under the lights for Jaundice.
The girls loved his cool glasses!

Gavin was born May 21st, 2008 at 11:47 p.m
Soon after he was taken to the
NICU where he spent 5 days. It was very
Hard for us, since they wouldnt let us hold him except
at feeding times. We couldnt stand to be
away from him so we got a hotel by the hospital
and went there every 3 hrs to feed him.
His breathing improved and we were able to take him
home 5 days later.


Anonymous said...

NICOLE!!! Your girls grew up!!! And I missed it... awww! They are all beautiful! Good thing Wins started a blog so I could do some snooping and discover the rest of the Young family online. Keep posting pictures! I love them!

spenceandcass said...

Time to update nichole

Alison said...

You're such a good mom! Congratulations!
