Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm finally gonna blog again!

Ok, Ive had enough of the teasing, im going to update my blog. I am just enjoying Gavin and running around like a crazy lady. The girls are loving school and are in dance and gym, except for Kenzie who just finished up her tennis season for Morgan high. She finished on a high note with 3 wins in region! One another note, Geoff and my's anniversary is tomorrow October 15th. We have been married 9 LONG fabulous years. We are going on a trip to San Francisco next week to celebrate and for Geoff's birthday. Hopefully I'll have new pictures up soon,
There, I hope your happy ALISON!


spenceandcass said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Has it really been 9 years? CRAZY!

Bertie said...

Have a fun trip! i love San Fran!:) I need to see pictures of your new little guy now too!